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Holiday Bundle - Halloween

Holiday Bundle - Halloween

Friendly Fungus Photography Holiday Series! 


This bundle includes one each of the following items:


Holiday Hanger

"Jack-o-Lantern Gills"

(Jack-o-Lantern / Ompahlotus olivascens)



"Witches Hat Family"

(Witches Hat / Hygrocybe conica)


Vinyl Sticker

"Witches Hat Duo"

(Witches Hat / Hygrocybe conica)


Single Notecard

"Jack-o-Lantern Gills"

(Jack-o-Lantern / Omphalotus olivascens)

This fungus appears nearly luminous—and in fact, it’s one of very few mushrooms that are “bioluminescent”, meaning they glow in the dark!


Notecard Pack

"Jack-o-Lantern Gills"

(Jack-o-Lantern / Omphalotus olivascens)

This fungus appears nearly luminous—and in fact, it’s one of very few mushrooms that are “bioluminescent”, meaning they glow in the dark!


"Witches Cauldron"

(Ebony Cup / Pseudoplectania nigrella)

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! Can’t you just picture a witch standing over this bubbling forest floor cauldron?


"Witches Hat Trio"

(Witches Hat / Hygrocybe Conica)

Do you think these “Three Fates” spin and cut the threads of our lives from under their witch hats?…


"Candlesnuff Fingers"

(Candlesnuff Fungus / Xylaria hypoxylon)

Could this be a sign that the spirits of the forest are reaching out from within? What spooky scene do you see?


"Red Cage Stinkhorn Monster"

(Red Cage Stinkhorn / Clathrus ruber)

This curious forest floor horror has just been violently aroused from its slumber. Beware! It looks very hungry…


"Cat’s Tongue Ghosts"

(Cat’s Tongue / Pseudohydnum gelatinosum)

The eerie glow of these ghoulish ghosts is enough to bring chills to my bones! Do you think they’re friend—or could they be foe?


All items are also sold separately.


Further details about each of these items can be found in their individual listings.


    Anna Towers 

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